10 different ways you can stay healthy in 2022

‘Eating healthy’ and ‘staying fit’ are two of the most popular New Year resolutions.

Every year, you all want to do better than you did the year before, especially when it comes to taking care of our bodies and, as a result, our health. With the increased focus on health, it’s more important than ever to establish and keep those good eating resolutions.

So, if you’ve resolved to change your behaviours and start living a healthy life in the new year, more power to you! You are, as always, pleased to assist. You have created a list of 10 recommendations to help you stick to your healthy eating goals in the new year, whether it’s setting more realistic and achievable objectives or making small dietary modifications.

1. Don’t skip breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and skipping it is a no-no.

Breakfast, rather than being skipped, should be one of the most healthy meals you take during the day. Furthermore, eating a healthy breakfast prevents you from nibbling on bad foods throughout the day.

2. Eat more nuts

Start including walnuts into your everyday diet. A handful of walnuts has 4 grammes of protein, 2 grammes of fibre, and 2.5 grammes of plant-based omega-3 ALA, which can help you avoid hunger pangs. Isn’t this a great approach to start living a healthy lifestyle on a daily basis?

3. Sugar consumption should be reduced

Sugar, like everything else, is best consumed in moderation.

If you drink too much sugar in your tea, coffee, or any other beverage during the day, try reducing it gradually.

You can also reduce your consumption of artificially sweetened beverages and other similar beverages.

4. Keep a journal

Always,  always Keep track of whatever healthy eating goal you’ve set for yourself by keeping a diary or journal. Keep track of what you eat and drink throughout the day so you can see how far you’ve progressed or where you’ve fallen behind.

5. Increase your water intake

Keep yourself hydrated at all times. Drinking enough water will help you feel full while also speeding up your metabolism and flushing away pollutants. You can also consume high-water-content fruits and vegetables.

6. Make friends with people who share your goals

It is important to have someone by your side to encourage you and keep you motivated. Find someone who has similar healthy eating goals as you and keep in touch with them. You’ll always be able to motivate each other and have someone to talk to if you make a mistake.

7. Increase your intake of home-cooked meals

It’s fine to eat restaurant-cooked meals on occasion. Focus on eating home-cooked meals if you want to eat well and stay healthy. They don’t have artificial flavours or colours, and every component in a home-cooked meal is thoroughly washed, so you always know you’re eating something that is both safer and healthier than a take-out dinner.

8. Eat more vegetables

Make sure your plate is well-balanced in terms of vegetables. Vegetables, which are high in fibre, vitamins, and other nutrients, are an important part of a balanced diet. Furthermore, because most vegetables are low in fat and calories, they will assist you in staying on track and eating healthily.

9. Focus on mindful eating

Make mindful eating a habit. This could involve pausing before each bite to keep track of how hungry you are, or chewing and swallowing each bite thoroughly. You will be able to savour your food and fully comprehend how much your body requires in this manner.

10. Exercise regularly

Exercising is, without a doubt, necessary for a healthy lifestyle. It’s not enough to just concentrate on what you consume. It’s also critical to maintain a healthy training routine to counteract this. Get some type of exercise every day to stay active and healthy, whether it’s a 30-minute walk around the neighbourhood or a brief cardio session at home.

As you begin your path to a newer, healthier you, keep these ten suggestions in mind. Don’t be concerned about the obstacles. Things will gradually fall into place if you take things one step at a time. Best of luck!

Categories: Health
Priyanka Patil: