2024 BRICS Growth: Russia and China Want Expansion, Not Others Countries

2024 BRICS Growth: Russia and China Want Expansion, Not Others Countries

The BRICS alliance invited six new countries to join the BRICS membership in 2024. Of these six countries, only Argentina joined the alliance, as it refused to join and Saudi Arabia reserved its decision. Four countries joined BRICS this year: the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Iran, and Ethiopia. China and Russia want to expand the BRICS alliance in 2024 to financially strengthen the alliance and counter the United States and other Western allies.

However, other member countries seem to be unhappy with this decision as they want to delay the expansion of BRICS in 2024. India, South Africa and Brazil have not commented on the 2024 expansion, but China and Russia have been vocal. Other countries want the new members to stabilize within the bloc before allowing others to join. Too many members joining at the same time could lead to policies and trade agreements getting out of hand.

Russia and China are the only two to consider BRICS expansion in 2024

India believes China is using BRICS as a springboard to further its plans for world domination. It also believes Russia wants revenge against the US for imposing sanctions on its economy. Both countries are using BRICS to further their own agendas and strengthen their dominance in global finance. The BRICS expansion in 2024 is merely a mask to hide their quest for world domination.

“India wants the BRICS to retain its original essence of an equal partnership,” said a source to Businessline. “New Delhi wants a gap of about five years before admission of a second group of countries into BRICS. It believes that a minimum time would be needed for the bloc to adjust its functioning after the admission of the new countries in 2024. It has emphasized this in recent meetings of senior officials and sherpas,” the official concluded.

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