3 Top-Ranked Mutual Funds That Could Transform Your Retirement

It’s never too late to invest in mutual funds for retirement, and the Zacks Mutual Fund Rank is a great tool for investors who want to invest in the best funds.

The best way to shortlist good mutual funds is to look for solid performance, diversification and low fees. While some are better than others, we’ve used three mutual funds that could be solid additions to your retirement portfolio.

Let’s take a look at some of the top-rated low-fee mutual funds you might want to consider.

Cambiar Opportunity I

(CAMWX): Expense ratio 0.65%, management fee 0.6%. CAMWX is classified as a large-cap blend fund. In most cases, large-cap blend mutual funds invest in companies with market capitalizations over $10 billion. Buying shares of large companies gives these funds extra stability and makes them suitable for investors with a “buy and hold” mindset. CAMWX has delivered an impressive annualized return of 13.36% over five years.

Federated MDT Mid Cap Growth R

(FGSKX) is a standout among its peers. FGSKX is a mid-cap growth mutual fund. These funds target companies with market capitalizations between $2 billion and $10 billion and are expected to offer investors greater growth opportunities than their competitors. With a five-year annualized performance of 18.02%, an expense ratio of 0.83% and a management fee of 0.75%, this diversified fund has a strong performance history and is an attractive buy.

TIAA-CREF Large Cap Value Premier

(TRCPX) is an attractive large-cap allocation. TRCPX is a large-cap mutual fund that invests in stocks with market capitalizations of over $10 billion, but its share price does not reflect intrinsic value. TRCPX has an expense ratio of 0.56%, a management fee of 0.4%, and an annualized return of 11.93% over the past five years.

These examples highlight the fact that there are surprisingly good mutual funds out there. If your advisor is putting you in the good stuff, great! If not, you may need to talk to him.

Categories: Business
Priyanka Patil: