There are a lot of instant messaging services, but platforms like WhatsApp stand out from the crowd. On a regular basis, WhatsApp introduces new features, some of which aim to enhance the app’s visual elements while others are designed to enhance its functionality. With the most recent WhatsApp Beta for Android, WABetaInfo has discovered a subtle but significant UI modification.
As part of version, the feature is being made available through the Google Play Beta Program. It has a new bottom navigation bar that conforms to Google’s design principles. The screen captures shared by WABetaInfo show that the base bar includes four choices – Visits, People group, Status, and Calls.
According to report, the redesigned bottom bar also resembles the iOS version of WhatsApp, ensuring a consistent user experience for those switching from Android to iOS and vice versa.
You will keep an eye on the ground for additional information regarding when this new bottom navigation bar will be included in the stable version of the app. The time frame for the stable version of WhatsApp for Android to include the bottom bar is unknown. However, given its significance for UI consistency, we anticipate that this redesign will arrive within the next few weeks.
You have learned about a few new features coming to the Meta-owned messaging app just in the last week. In a recent WhatsApp beta, a text editor modeled after Instagram was discovered. Additionally, the company is developing a method to enable fingerprint authentication for chats, a significant new security feature that probably should have already been implemented. Some of WhatsApp’s new features, like polls, which were added to the app in November, aren’t perfect. Fortunately, a fix was included in a recent update, allowing users to vote on just one of the poll options rather than all of them.
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