“Success isn’t always about greatness. It’s about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come.”– DwayneThe journey to greatness is a different experience for each business owner.Deshae Maitland, founder of Dynasty Events said ‘ when you fall in love with what you do, it doesn’t feel like work anymore.’ Maitland based in Toronto, started his company at the young age of 15. One personal habit Deshae swears by towards the road to success is consistency. Nothing is more effective than consistency when it comes to making your company, or your performance, stand out. In any enterprise, consistency means that you’re organized, and people know what to expect from you. And where there’s consistency, there is usually productivity. While change is inevitable, a lot of wasted energy can be focused on unnecessary change. Being consistent in the fundamental structure of an organization means that teams don’t have to stop working to get accustomed to new regulations. Maitland made a name for myself by throwing the biggest social and corporate parties and by having thousands in attendance. Deshae recalls, ‘It was not easy for people to get in because we were always sold out. You had to know someone, it was that exclusive. You couldn’t just walk in.’ Dynasty Events has thrown parties for Drake’s and the Weekend’s artists as well. Deshae have won the Best New Generation Promoter of the year award during the Toronto Nightclub Awards. Dynasty Events is different from the other companies that offer similar services. This is because it looks at what is the upcoming trends in the line of entertainment and the nightlife world. For this reason, the company is able to know what its target audience wants even before they even expect it to come. If you want to know more about Dynasty Events, please visit :Website : dynastyaffair.comInstagram : https://www.instagram.com/deshaemaitland/ ; https://www.instagram.com/dynastyaffair/Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1553623975