Elisabeth Hoekstra, the host of “Bio-hack your best life” Pens Her Debut Book “The Recipe To Elevated Consciousness”

Elisabeth Hoekstra needs no introduction. She regularly hosts the famous weekly podcast show, Bio-Hack Your Best Life. Her co-host Billy Carson, the President and CEO of 4biddenknowledge Inc., also participates in the show. 


The podcast revolves around the concept of bio-hacking tips for holistic living and wellness. The podcast has also been successful in bringing new case studies and research studies to the limelight relating to holistic wellness and mental peace.


Now, Elisabeth Hoekstra is ready to launch her first-ever self-help book, “The Recipe To Elevated Consciousness.” She believes tough times don’t last long, but tough people do. People must take all challenges head-on and emerge victors. 


“Honestly, The Recipe To Elevated Consciousness is an attempt to make people aware of their mental health. Just like your physical health, it’s important to recognize mental diseases and plenty of similar issues. Unless we are mentally stable and at peace with our inner self, any talk on fitness and health is a farce. Through my book, I want to make people more aware of their mental health and other relevant facts. I am sure that this book would act as a guiding light for the people who have had their share of mental traumas and agonies in the past,” MS Elisabeth Hoekstra said.


Elisabeth Hoekstra has been a versatile professional throughout her life. She has handled multiple work profiles in her career and has worked with full dedication, sincerity, and commitment. She worked with relentless passion and strong determination. Currently, Elisabeth Hoekstra is working as a Director of Operations, at 4biddenknowledge Inc.


Apart from having a prolific career and work experience in various sectors in which she worked, her tremendous commitment to helping people around her is truly incredible. 


“Regardless of what I do and where I live, I want to give it back to society in whatever way I can. I developed a passion to help people way back in my high school days. I went to Mexico for a study tour, and there I was devastated to see so many orphaned children at orphanages. I helped in constructing new orphanage buildings for them. I also worked with a Michigan-based organization and ensured adequate supply of school books, bags, stationeries and school supplies for the poor kids,” Elisabeth Hoekstra added.


Ms Elisabeth always believes in working for the people and showing them the right path.


Now that she has come up with her debut self-help book, expectations are huge from her fans and followers. Everyone is impatiently waiting for the grand release of the book. 


All that Elisabeth Hoekstra ever wanted to accomplish in her life is to make the world a better place to live in. She is doing her bit in whatever way she can—either through directly volunteering for a cause or inspiring people to combat the level of mental trauma and stress in their lives. 


Currently, she is fully committed to making people aware of mental health and holistic modalities. The constant urge to help people urges Elisabeth to write a book for them. 


The Recipe To Elevated Consciousness will be released on 14th February later this month. Coincidentally, the very day also happens to be the birthday of our beloved Ms Elisabeth Hoekstra, the unputdownable. 


You can have this self-help book, “The recipe to elevated consciousness,” available for pre-order from February 14th onwards on the 4biddenknowledge website’s online store.


For more information, please visit these sections: Website, IMDB, KnowledgerTv.


Categories: Entertainment
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