Google doodle celebrates the Trinidad and Tobago’s Independence Day

Today’s Doodle celebrates Trinidad and Tobago’s Independence Day. On this day in 1962, Trinidad and Tobago declared independence from Britain and raised the flag for the first time.

The two-island Caribbean nation was one of the first in the region to gain independence from Britain, and many festivals are held each year to commemorate the occasion. Several parades make their way around the country, the largest of which passes through Queen’s Park in Savannah. People line the streets and lively drums and planes thunder overhead as the military escorts the president in a lively procession.

Festivals (parties) and other outdoor performances come to life as Trinidadians tune into local music genres such as soca and calypso.

In the evening, a National Awards Ceremony is held to honour local heroes who have made outstanding contributions to the country. As night turns to day, fireworks light up the sky and the celebrations come to a close.

Happy Independence Day, Trinidad and Tobago!

Categories: Lifestyle
Priyanka Patil:

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