Live voicemail, a feature that allows iPhone users to view voicemail transcripts as they are being left, is one of the new features in Apple’s iOS 17, which is now available.
For the time being, iOS 17 users in the US and Canada can only access this feature in English. Go to Settings > General > Software Update on your iPhone to find out what operating system it is using. If an update is required, you will be prompted to download it here (it can show you how to do this for iOS 17).
Once you have iOS 17, go to Settings > Phone > Live Voicemail to enable (or disable) this feature. Once your phone starts ringing, you’ll be prepared to go forward.
Similar to an old answering machine, but with text, this updated feature works. You may hear what the caller is saying in real time when you receive a voicemail. You can pick up the phone and connect with the caller as you read along and before the call finishes.
Live voicemails, like Google’s Call Screen feature on its Pixel phones, are “powered by your iPhone’s neural engine in order to preserve your privacy,” according to CNET’s Patrick Holland, who was reviewing the new iOS 17 features.
One of the major updates in iOS 17 is this feature. StandBy mode, personalised iMessage stickers, contact posters, and offline maps are more key features.
For further information, see the iOS 17 cheat sheet, how to solve annoying iOS 17 features, and what to do if you don’t get the iOS 17 upgrade.
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