Ocean Health Index: Which Countries Rank Best and Worst?

The health of ocean ecosystems is important in terms of the benefits they provide to individuals and individuals, including crystal clear waters, diverse flora and fauna, beach conditions, and even the jobs created by recreational activities such as boat tours and seaside hotel resorts. influences. The greatness of a society can be measured in many ways.

The Annual Ocean Health Index is an attempt to quantify the current situation and create an index. Four of the five lowest-scoring countries with populations over 100,000 are on the African continent and the Middle East, as the graph based on the latest data shows.

Eritrea, with an index score of 54.8, ranks lowest out of 220 nations and regions examined. The Ivory Coast and the Republic of the Congo, with respective scores of 54.9 and 55.9 points, are next. Eritrea only receives three points in the lives and economies sub-index, and the Republic of the Congo and the Ivory Coast both show potential for significant improvements in the coastline protection sub-index. All three of these nations receive low scores in the food provision sub-index.

Even though a large number of African nations have low overall scores, many islands off the continent’s eastern coast have quite different situations. With a score of 86.6, the Seychelles, for instance, tops the list of nations with more than 100,000 citizens and receives perfect scores in the areas of natural products, carbon storage, and tourism and recreation. Another group of islands located about 320 miles off the coast of Africa, called Mayotte, comes in third place with 83.9 points. Portugal, with a score of 83.6, is the only European country in the top 10 overall and one of only two, along with Russia, when counting only nations with a population of at least 100,000. The average global index score is 73.5 overall, which is 1.3 points higher than the index’s first edition.

As stated on the project website, the Ocean Health Index was initially released in 2012 and “measures how well ocean systems are sustainably providing people with the benefits and services they need and desire from marine systems.” It examines research related to ten broad objectives, such as food supply, tourism, and recreation, as well as clean waters, biodiversity, and carbon storage.


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Priyanka Patil:

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