100th Birthday Google doodle celebrates the 100th birthday of Brazilian physicist and professor César Lattes 5 months ago This doodle celebrates the 100th birthday of Professor César Lattes, a Brazilian physicist and researcher whose discoveries expanded our understanding… Emil Zátopek and Dana Zátopková: Google doodle celebrates 100th birthday of Czech power couple of track and field’s 2 years ago The Google Doodle of today honours the 100th wedding anniversary of the Czech track and field power couple! Ilona Polanski… Toots Thielemans: Google doodle celebrates 100th birthday of Belgian jazz musician 3 years ago When Toots Thielemans, a Belgian musician and composer, played a little instrument, it produced heartfelt tones. He created a reputation… Ruth de Souza: Google doodle celebrates 100th Birthday Brazilian actress 4 years ago Happy birthday, Ruth de Souza! The present Doodle observes Brazilian actress Ruth de Souza, who is widely considered one of… Google Doodle Celebrates Jaan Kross’ 100th Birthday 5 years ago "Kross introduced new themes to our poetry of galaxies, electrons, Milton, Homer (and of course sputniks).”— Estonian essayist Jaan Kaplinski…