Nintendo revealed in its most recent earnings report to investors that 8.2 million Switch game consoles were sold in the final three months of 2022, bringing the total number of…
With new shortcuts, Google is making it simpler for users to search for tabs, bookmarks, and the history from the address bar. You can now begin your website search by…
Every year on November 7, Infant Protection Day is commemorated to promote awareness of newborn baby safety and to protect their lives by providing appropriate care. Development of a baby…
In the nearly century-long history of the pageant, a contestant from Miss England is the first ever beauty queen to compete without wearing any makeup. A 20-year-old college student from…
Elden Ring received well over 3 billion total video views in the first 60 days after launch, making it one of YouTube’s biggest-ever gaming launches. According to statistics, Elden Ring…