Independence Day

Google doodle celebrates the Tanzania’s Independence Day

Google doodle celebrates the Tanzania’s Independence DayGoogle doodle celebrates the Tanzania’s Independence Day

Tanzania's Independence Day is celebrated in today's Doodle! After decades of foreign domination, Tanzania (then known as Tanganyika) finally earned…

Google doodle celebrates the Lebanon’s Independence Day

Google doodle celebrates the Lebanon’s Independence DayGoogle doodle celebrates the Lebanon’s Independence Day

Lebanon's Independence Day is celebrated in today's Doodle! After over 20 years of foreign occupation, Lebanon attained freedom and sovereignty…

Google doodle celebrates the Latvia’s Independence Day

Google doodle celebrates the Latvia’s Independence DayGoogle doodle celebrates the Latvia’s Independence Day

Latvia's Independence Day is honored in today's Doodle. The Latvian People's Council met in Riga on this day in 1918…

Google doodle celebrates Morocco’s Independence Day

Google doodle celebrates Morocco’s Independence DayGoogle doodle celebrates Morocco’s Independence Day

Today's Doodle honors the Independence Day of Morocco! To honor the nation's long struggle for independence, parades are held all…

Google doodle celebrates the Nigeria’s Independence Day

Google doodle celebrates the Nigeria’s Independence DayGoogle doodle celebrates the Nigeria’s Independence Day

The Doodle for today honors the Independence Day of Nigeria. This day in 1960 marked the country's independence from Great…

Google Doodle Celebrates the Chile National Holidays

Google Doodle Celebrates the Chile National HolidaysGoogle Doodle Celebrates the Chile National Holidays

Today's doodle celebrates a Chilean national holiday. On this day in 1810, Chile established the Primera Junta de Gobierno (First…

Google doodle celebrates the Trinidad and Tobago’s Independence Day

Google doodle celebrates the Trinidad and Tobago’s Independence DayGoogle doodle celebrates the Trinidad and Tobago’s Independence Day

Today's Doodle celebrates Trinidad and Tobago's Independence Day. On this day in 1962, Trinidad and Tobago declared independence from Britain…

Google doodle celebrates the Republic of Moldova’s Independence Day

Google doodle celebrates the Republic of Moldova’s Independence DayGoogle doodle celebrates the Republic of Moldova’s Independence Day

Today's Doodle celebrates Moldova's Independence Day. On this day in 1991, parliament formally adopted the Declaration of Independence, which made…

Google doodle celebrates the Ukraine’s Independence Day

Today's doodle honors Ukraine's Independence Day. On this day in 1991, the Ukrainian Parliament passed a law declaring Ukraine independent,…

Google doodle celebrates the Indonesia’s 79th Independence Day

Google doodle celebrates the Indonesia’s 79th Independence DayGoogle doodle celebrates the Indonesia’s 79th Independence Day

This doodle celebrates Indonesia's 79th Independence Day. Created by Bali-based guest artist Monez, the doodle celebrates the country's rich cultural…