Water 9 benefits of drinking water for improved health 2 years ago You all know that water makes up 60% of the human body and that it covers about 71 percent of… Simple tips to help you drink more water each day 3 years ago Water is a very important ingredient that has a direct impact on your health and mood. Some people don't drink… World Oceans Day 2022: Everything you need to know about this day 3 years ago Oceans are vital to life on Earth and are home to the majority of the planet's biodiversity. They are absolutely… World Health Day 2022: Here are 5 tips to help you develop healthy eating habits 3 years ago Every year on April 7, World Health Day is celebrated to create a world where everyone has access to clean air,… Summer Skincare Tips: 5 Ways to Stay Hydrated 3 years ago Summer has here in full effect, as seen by the scorching heat and increasing temperatures. And, while the summer heat… 5 helpful tips for dealing with dehydration this winter season 3 years ago As body fluids are drained during respiration, the cold, dry air can readily contribute to dehydration during the winter months.… World Water Day 2021: Here’s all you need to know about this day 4 years ago World Water Day is seen on March 22 consistently. It seeks to focus attention on the global water crisis. Individuals…