Top 15 Countries Leading the World in Solar Power Installations

Solar energy capacity is growing rapidly, driving the global transition to renewable energy.

This figure visualizes the top 15 countries by cumulative megawatts of photovoltaic (PV) and concentrated solar power (CSP) installed in 2023. In the figure, each solar panel represents the total megawatts of solar energy systems installed in 2023.

The figures are from the Energy Association’s World Energy Statistics Survey report 2024.

China Leads Solar Energy Expansion

China lags far behind other countries in solar energy expansion, installing a total of 609,921 MW of solar PV capacity to date.

The gap between second-place China and the United States is almost four times larger than the gap between 15th-place America and the United Kingdom.

Rank Country MW of solar power (cumulative) CAGR (2013-23)
1 China 609,921 42.4%
2 U.S. 139,205 26.5%
3 Japan 87,068 20.4%
4 Germany 81,739 8.3%
5 India 73,109 46.5%
6 Brazil 37,449 122.8%
7 Australia 33,683 22.1%
8 Spain 31,016 16.1%
9 Italy 29,795 5.1%
10 South Korea 27,046 33.1%
11 Netherlands 23,904 43.4%
12 France 20,551 14.6%
13 Vietnam 17,077 127.9%
14 Poland 15,809 141.0%
15 United Kingdom 15,657 18.2%
World total 1,418,969 MW 25.9%

With an average annual growth rate of 42%, China’s solar energy sector shows no signs of slowing.

But other smaller countries are seeing even higher growth rates. Brazil, Vietnam and Poland have experienced exceptional growth rates over the past decade, each with an average annual growth rate of over 120%. Solar energy is now Brazil’s second-largest source of electricity.

Overall, the Asia-Pacific region is leading the solar energy transition. Six countries from the region rank in the top 15: China, Japan, India, Australia, South Korea and Vietnam.

Given their high energy demand and reliance on coal for energy, Asian countries are making a concerted effort to transition to renewable energy. China, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam and Singapore are all committed to being carbon neutral or having net-zero emissions.

Investment in renewable energy in the Asia-Pacific region is expected to double to $1.3 trillion by 2030, according to Wood Mackenzie.

Categories: Business
Priyanka Patil:

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