Following Telegram’s push to present the Channels features to its users, WhatsApp is now introducing the Channels feature across 150 different countries. Users can exchange updates or information with numerous other WhatsApp users by using WhatsApp Channels. In addition, users can use the directory to look for a particular channel and respond to messages posted by the channel owner.
The launch of WhatsApp Channels was announced by Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg on his own channel. Users who want to stay up to know on platform changes can subscribe to the official WhatsApp Channel. Users of WhatsApp can sort the channels in the directory and join those that have the most followers, are the most active, and other criteria.
Please be aware that only channels with active invite links will allow WhatsApp users to join. To preserve user privacy, the channel owner’s phone number won’t be shared.
For 30 days, messages sent over WhatsApp Channels will be available. Members of the channel can react to shared messages but not reply to them. Additionally, messages broadcast across the channel are not end-to-end encrypted. WhatsApp has worked with famous people who already have channels on the app to promote this feature.
Emoji reactions are now more possible on WhatsApp thanks to new features. You won’t see other followers’ reactions on the site, but other users can view the quantity and nature of reactions. In the upcoming months, everyone will be able to use the WhatsApp Channels feature, which is currently being rolled out gradually.
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