WWE’s Chase U Becomes NXT Tag Team Champions in Stunning Win

In tonight’s WWE NXT main event, the WWE NXT Tag Team Championships were on the line, and in many ways, this was Chase U’s final chance at a title shot, at least for the time being. This time, the pairing of Andre Chase and Ridge Holland took on the champions Axiom and Nathan Frazier. The two had their issues before, but once again seemed to be on the same page. Axiom and Frazer would occasionally avoid eliminating each other, ending the match with their finishers, but Chase U refused to go down. That led to a big run where Holland and Chase worked together to defeat Axiom with their finisher, which was enough for the pin and victory. With Chase U now the NXT Tag Team Champions, the fan-favorite group was met with a huge celebration as they held the titles aloft in the ring.

Champions Under Control

Chase starts against Axiom, Chase lands the first blow with a quick cover attempt, but Axiom quickly kicks out of it. Axiom fights back with a dropkick and tags in Fraser, who runs around the ring, but Holland comes and throws Fraser to the mat. When Frazer escapes a slam, Axiom tags in themselves, hits a superkick on Holland and hits a slam on Chase.

Frazer charges in and slams Chase to the ground. Axiom shoots through the ropes, then knocks Holland down, allowing the champions to run around the ring. After the dust settled, Chase and Frazer tagged in and Frazer got two pin attempts in quick succession, but Chase flicked away both attempts. Frazer tried to slow things down with a hold, but Chase hit a huge clothesline and slammed the champion to the mat.

Chase tags in Holland and Axiom, but Holland slams Axiom to the mat twice in a row, then does the same to Frazier. Holland hits a huge DDT on Axiom and covers, but Axiom lifts his shoulders in time. Axiom kicks Holland back to get some space, then hits another kick in the corner, and Axiom leaps up into the air. Frazer follows with a 450, but Holland manages to escape the pin.

Chase, you won’t be denied

The champ comes for Holland, but Holland knocks out Frazer and takes Axiom to the corner. Chase tags in and tries to cover, but Frazer saves the match at the last minute. Holland falls to the floor and is knocked out by Frazer at ringside. Chase goes up top but Axiom catches him with a kick to the head. Frazer gets up but Holland gets back in the ring. Axiom nearly kicks Frazier but they catch him and eliminate Holland.

Frazer hits a big superplex on Chase and Axiom follows up with a pin but Chase manages to escape. Axiom hits a kick on Chase but Chase grabs his leg and punches him himself. Chase fights back but gets hit with a clothesline but retaliates with a big boot. Frazer misses but Holland catches Frazer with a powerbomb combination with Chase. Holland pins Frazer but Frazer hits a right shoulder at just the right time to retain his title reign.

Frazer kicked Holland and Axiom joined in with a combo finisher. A kick to the head by Axiom set up the finisher and Axiom hit a Spanish Fly on Holland. Frazer got up but Chase caught him and threw him into the announce table, knocking him out. Axiom hit a big kick on Chase and charged at Holland, but was punished with a clothesline. Holland hit a DDT and got the pin for the win, and that was it for the champions. Chase U is congratulated in the ring as Chase and Holland become NXT Tag Team Champions.

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Priyanka Patil: